Atlantic Recycling are an environmentally conscious company supporting the needs of the construction sector in South Wales. The construction industry and most business are under increasing pressure to reduce their reliance on landfill disposal, increase recycling rates and move to a low carbon economy.
The principal aims of Atlantic Recycling’s Material Recovery Facility is to extract recyclable materials where they exist and to divert residual waste away from landfill. This is done through a purpose built, sophisticated waste sorting system which Atlantic have invested heavily in.. The system enables recyclable materials to be separated and bulked up to send on to specialised recycling companies, who in turn, convert the recycled materials back into products for re-use.
Additionally, the process is capable of the preparation of a refuse derived fuel (RDF) for use in renewable energy schemes. This fuel is produced in support of the principals of the waste hierarchy – recycling where suitable opportunities exist before the recovery of energy is employed. The investment which Atlantic have made has made it possible to deliver significant rates of landfill diversion for its customers.